Sustainable Yarns

Join the sustainable yarns movement!

B.I.G. Yarns has created a “SustainableYarns” platform and invites you to join in and focus on what matters most for the design and manufacture of sustainable soft flooring.


Yarn is the core material for carpets, and integral in contributing towards more responsible commercial, residential or automotive carpets. With our SustainableYarns online platform, we’re sharing a guide to our different market-ready options for more sustainable solutions, reducing the CO2 emissions of carpet products and helping to mitigate Climate Change. All this without compromising the quality and the unlimited color and design possibilities our customers value from our yarn products.


The Sustainable Yarns range creates opportunities:

  • to work with renewable resources EqoBalance
  • to design with recycled content yarn EqoCycle
  • to leverage the low-impact value chain with polyamide 6 (PA6) EqoYarn